Mark and Chantelle Mark and Chantelle
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Baby Bernard


36 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures a little less than 19 inches and weighs just over 6 pounds. At the end of this week, baby will be considered full-term. The doctor told mommy Baby is already in a head down position.

The Mama and Papa: This week Mommy went shopping with Steph in the states for more baby items. She bought lots of little outfits and your crib mobile. The breast cancer dinner was this week too. Mommy won two pedicures, much needed pedicures since Daddy refused to paint her toe nails, and her baby belly is too big to bend over. This weekend, Daddy spent time putting together your exerciser, swing and jolly jumper. We also packed for the hospital. Now we are just waiting for you to decide to make your appearance.

36 Weeks - 2006.10.21

35 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures over 18 inches, and just over 5 pounds. Babies kidneys are fully developed now, and its liver can process some waste products. Most of babies basic physical development is now complete — baby will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

The Mama and Papa: Mommy and Daddy went shopping for all the remaining Baby stuff we need for the baby's arrival. We bought the crib matress, the jolly jumper and Daddy picked out a going home outfit for both a boy and a girl.

35 Weeks - 2006.10.14

34 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures 18 inches long and weighs about 4 3/4 pounds. Babies fat layers are building now, which will help regulate babies temperature. 99% of babies born now survive.

The Mama and Papa: This weekend was busy. We had the baby shower this weekend. Thank you to everyone who helped out, especially Meme, Grandma, Aunt Nicole and Aunt Kelly. We hope everyone had fun. We feel much more prepared for the babies arrival now. It was also thanksgiving. Daddy had some fun at nanny's riding on a tricycle.

34 Weeks - 2006.10.07

33 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures just over 17 inches and weighs just over 4 pounds. Babies skin is becoming less red and wrinkled, and while most of its bones are hardening.

The Mama and Papa: At the doctors appointment this week, Mommy's blood pressure was high. The doctor gave Mommy some medication and recommended stopping work. Grandma and Nanny came over to shop for a rocking chair for Baby. Baby is already spoiled and isn't even born yet! Thank you Grandma and Papa for the new recliner!

33 Weeks - 2006.09.30

32 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures 17 inches and weighs almost 4 pounds. Baby has tiny toenails now, and fingernails too. Some babies have a head of hair already; others have only peach fuzz. If Baby is anything like Mommy, BALD!

The Mama and Papa: 8 Months pregnant! Finally the end is in site. This weekend Manuella and Lana came over. We went shopping for Christmas gifts all day Saturday. Best to get the Christmas gifts done now, before Baby arrives! Aunt Kelly, Uncle Dave and Cayden came over to go out for supper with Daddy. Cayden is patiently awaiting Baby's arrival!

32 Weeks - 2006.09.23

31 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures 16 inches and weighs a little over 3 pounds. Baby can turn its head from side to side, and is beginning to accumulate a layer of fat underneath its skin in preparation for life as a newborn

The Mama and Papa: We went to the prenatal classes this weekend. Daddy got a little scared after seeing the birth. We learned a lot about labour... please please be easy on Mommy! We also went to Wallaceburg to Uncle Pat's 50th birthday party. Papa took some belly photos of Mommy and Daddy.

31 Weeks - 2006.09.16

30 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures 15 inches, and weighs 2.5 pounds. Your head is growing larger now, and you are practising breathing.

The Mama and Papa: We had a doctors appointment this week. Everything look good. Mommy gained 5 POUNDS this time. Her belly is sticking out BIG time! We think we can tell how your laying in Mommy's belly, and she loves to feel you move around. If you poke at Mommy, Mommy pokes back, Baby pokes back......

30 Weeks - 2006.09.09

29 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: Measures 15.5 inches and weighs almost 3 pounds. You can distinguish between light and dark now, and may even move towards light when Mommy's belly is exposed.

The Mama and Papa: This labour day weekend we went to Toronto with Meme and Pepe. We celebrated our 2 year anniversary while in Toronto. Mommy searched high and low for a pair of shoes that would fit her swollen feet and ended up having to buy a pair of black adidias skater shoes! We also bought baby a pair of Nike sHOX. We spent all day Sunday at the EX. It took mommy two days to recover from that one day of walking around all day. Sore feet, legs, hips, etc.... but it was lots of fun!

29 Weeks - 2006.09.02

28 Weeks Pregnant Today

The Baby: FINALLY.. the last trimester.

The Mama and Papa: We registered for the baby shower. Daddy is always looking to make sure what we purchase are safe for you baby.

28 Weeks - 2006.08.26

First Trimester

Second Trimester